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As I write this itā€™s mid May and daylight will be cutting through the curtains in a few hours. The light is staying longer...


On their thirteenth studio album Meditations, Canadian death metal veterans Kataklysm bring the melody and the aggression. Is the songwriting quality enough to make...


Writing reviews for this site can sometimes become dangerous. Speaking personally, bias is a real thing; it can sometimes get in the way as...

Upcoming Releases

Jonathan Davis also gets his statement right this time.

Upcoming Releases

"It's a fun song. It's a little bit of a departure from what I think our fans would expect."


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...


Seems like it's just David DiSanto right now.


Gathering Of The Juggalos always gets one or two decent acts.

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about the death of the guitarist of AxCx, very tragic. We also discuss the problem with Yankees fans, what...

Breakups & Shakeups

Their first new bassist since 2010.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a bunch of reunions, lots of doom, an album I highlighted just to piss people off, and more! To the metals...

RIP a Livecast

We kick off the show with some puppy talk and then welcome Kataklysm frontman Maurizio Iacono. He reveals a big U.S. tour happening next...


"Living in a world with so much inequality and suffering makes us question society, the meaning of lifeā€¦ all of that will make us...


This episode is a double header. We kick things off with a quick conversation with Chris Jericho, who talks about his upcoming Rock &...

Latest News

"Munky and Head have been writing with different people for a while now, getting songs together."


When former Witch Mountain vocalist, Uta Plotkin announced her departure from the band back in 2014, the belief was that the Portland veterans were...

Music Videos

"This tune is more about the delusions that lead someone to commit this kind of violence; the mindset that would make someone take such...

Tour Dates

One dude took drone footage of the ticket lines. It's insane.