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Music Videos

"This tune is more about the delusions that lead someone to commit this kind of violence; the mindset that would make someone take such...

Tour Dates

One dude took drone footage of the ticket lines. It's insane.

Tour Dates

Featuring all the rumors plus a bunch of other bands that won't make you happy.


The British progressive metal quintet delves into the creation of Sonder, the touring life, our culture's increasing lack of empathy, and much more.

Latest News

"What I'm saying is that there's no rawness to a record anymore. Bands have discovered how to polish a turd and they do it...


Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Taken on its own, Queen of Time is excellent, but when considered in context as the thirteenth studio effort of a band that’s been...

Upcoming Releases

"Why make it easier to ignore? We're not charging any more for it so why get worked up about it?"


Necrotic Slut Chunks? Ejaculating On The Faces Of The Aborted? Human Drapery? Sign us up for the gore metal magic of Flesh Hoarder's latest...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Warfuck’s This Was Supposed to Be Fun.

Upcoming Releases

"Everyone's so pussy right now... we're carnivores."


It's not every day hard rock and heavy metal get featured on broadcast television, so we'll take what we can get.

RIP a Livecast

Sid wasn't around for this episode because he was in London, but thankfully we had an international ISDN line set up to get some...

This Is Just A Tribute

In 2018, you didn’t find out someone famous has died through your local news channel or even the newspaper; you find out when that...

Weekly Injection

This week is crazy. New releases from legends, covers by future legends, cello sludge, and more! To the metals...


Nick Holmes talks Bloodbath's North American tour and gives a status update on Katatonia, Opeth and Paradise Lost.


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...


If you’re open to guttural foundations with luminous shades of spirituality, Hierurgy should definitely be on your radar.