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"I was in my mid-30s and making $1,000 on a tour. That doesn’t do a lot to help someone with a depressive personality."

Upcoming Releases

A much-talked-about Chris Cornell rarities set has been confirmed to be released in November. The box set was curated by Cornell's wife, Vicky, with...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes underrated legends, a top hat with a wig (allegedly) sewn into it, heaviness, and more! To the metals...

New Music

With the success of Disturbed's cover of the Simon & Garfunkel classic, "Sound of Silence," the band warned fans that their new album, Evolution,...

br00tal Comedy

Are you hip to the bongo cat meme? It started earlier this year, and is basically a simple GIF of a cat that has...

New Music

More Cattle Decapitation is coming very soon! Well, sort of. The band will release a new rarities collection, brilliantly titled Medium Rarities, on November 23rd....

Full Album Stream

"We have carved our pound of flesh and put it to music for all to devour. But is it is our pound of flesh;...

Latest News

After they cancelled all their tours this summer due to M. Shadows' inflamed vocal cords.

Song Premiere

Tech death metal seems to take many forms, just ask Austin Weber, our tech death expert. Bands can take many avenues within the genre's...

Tour Dates

Cage The Elephant will also perform.

Music Videos

Tribulation being typically creepy and fantastic.

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


While the Deafheaven comparison can be justified, Further Still emerges more like a crusty punk rocker hell bent on grinding it out like latter...

Video Games

The release of theWWE 2K19 video game is right around the corner, and WWE has just announced the soundtrack to the game. Good news, there...

Latest News

"My buddies go, 'Doesn't it bother you that you're the last option?'. I said, 'No. At least, I'm an option.'"


I recall easing into the stoner rock scene and giving Clutch a shot years ago. While their tone and style paralleled other acts like...

At The Movies

The movie does not feature any Celtic Frost music, that we know of.

Fuck Yes!

Remember in 2016 when Hurricane Matthew was the first category five hurricane to hit the Atlantic in over 10 years and stormed through Florida?...


Deicide continues down the strong and brutal path of catchy riffs, crushing grooves and spewing unholy bile on their latest offering.

New Music

Get lost in the sweet jams, maaaaaan.