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Search results for "Star"

Upcoming Releases

Well, it seemed inevitable didn't it? Once Metallica gained control of all their master recordings, they began reissuing all of their albums, with the...


Crawl is death metal for people that don’t want frilly bullshit.


There's a good reason for the buzz around Jesus Piece. This is some seriously crushing hardcore.

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Could Slash be on the next Megadeth album?

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'Jesus, Corey, take a break. Gimmie some love man.'

Weekly Injection

This edition some amazing melodic death metal, lots of feedback, another Thou release somehow, and more! To the metals...

Tour Dates

Rap and metal seem to be getting along these days.

Upcoming Releases

It'll be packed with harmonies, and likely be amazing.

RIP a Livecast

We have a longtime-requested returning guest on this week's episode that will certainly make longtime listeners happy. We catch up with the guest, how...


Suspended in Reflections is more of a singular experience than a collection of songs, and its ability to bond heavy and light personas seamlessly...

Tour Dates

Atreyu have a new album coming, they've released two new songs and you know what that means? It's time to tour! Today the band...


At the time he auditioned for Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson was a mere 23-years-old vying to replace Maiden vocalist since 1977, Paul Di'Anno. Steve Harris...


France's tech death metal kings Gorod are back with a new concept album that will blow your mind.

Upcoming Releases

"Axl's got a ton of shit that he recorded already, so we're going to get in there and just start getting into that thing."

New Music

Also featuring members of Witch Mountain and Sacred Dawn.

New Music

Did the Black Veil Brides frontman release a cover of a cover?


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past.  For...


Countrydon might not be a bad idea.

Metal Merch

It has been eight years since the world reluctantly said goodbye to Ronnie James Dio after he lost his valiant battle with cancer in...