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"I don't want to say anything that's going to make people start thinking something [is happening], because there's nothing set up."

Attention, Stoners:

Matt Pike knows a thing or two about stoner metal.

Music Videos

The main riff will get stuck in your head.


Everything from Artificial Brain, Dødheimsgard and Suffocation to Black Sabbath, Nevermore, and Steve Vai.

Breakups & Shakeups

Phil Demmel and Dave McClain are leaving after this tour.


Surprisingly not a list of zero albums, which would also be accurate.

Latest News

Surprisingly not anything Jimi Hendrix-related.

Metal Crimes

The trailer was stolen from a secure parking lot.

Breakups & Shakeups

They will finish out the tour and then pack it up, according to Flynn.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of darkness. Some you can dance to, some you can slay too. And more! To the metals...


New York Comic Con is fast approaching, and as it is every year – the most metal booth is the Vertebrae33 booth. The year, our friend,...

Tour Dates

Under the moniker Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin.


As TerrorVision starts, the introduction prepares you for the wakes of blood that will soon envelope you.

Metal Crimes

The band allegedly left after causing the injury to a fan.


Slipknot are bringing back the heavy.

Shocking Revelations

Hello me, meet the real me - on the deck of the ship in about five minutes.


Wasteland proves that while guitarist Piotr Grudziński’s passing indefinitely changed their dynamic, Riverside certainly has a second life as an empowered trio.

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a full album stream of Endless Swarm’s Imprisoned in Skin.

Tour Dates

Don't you worry, Europe and UK. Metallica did not forget about you when it came to their massive WorldWired tour.

Upcoming Releases

None of the pre-orders feature battle axes or helmets, which frankly is ridiculous.