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Have you ever wanted to scream because you’re so angry abut something, that you don’t care if you loose your voice? I love it...


> ATRYEU has posted their fifth webisode in a series detailing the making of their new album, “Lead Sails Paper Anchor”, which is due...


This was a hard one to review. Not that it was hard to listen to, that part was easy, and it was great! I’m...

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> UNEARTH and Metal Blade Records have teamed up with DownloadPunk.com to give people a chance to win a pair of tickets on Unearths...


The most famous Nintendo-core band of all (and yes, I found a slew of underground bands playing Nintendo-core back when mp3.com was still cool)...


> AS I LAY DYING have posted the song “An Ocean Between Us” at their MySpace page. The song comes their album, “An Ocean...


I just got a bunch of stuff in from Ibex Moon Records, and I was so ecstatic to see that all the bands had...


I had the CARNAL FORGE album “Firedemon” at one point in time, and it was a decent, if very generic slab of modern thrash....


> You can view the sixth episode in GOD FORBID’s GFTV series online at YouTube. > You can view an e-card for AS I...


What a fitting band name. Not because Droid is one of those super-technical bands that play like they’re inhuman, but the double bass drums...


I consider death metal to be a perfectly viable form of art, meaning that unlike some other places, I don’t grade death metal on...


Judging from crowd reactions, "Upper Decker," from 2005's Clients, is easily the best thing The Red Chord have ever written.  While the Boston band...

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LAMBGOAT reports Abacus Recordings has officially ceased to exist. Portions of the one-time Century Media Records imprint will now be folded back into Century...


Way Too Loud! posted an interview recently with POISON THE WELL, with some of the subject matter dealing with POISON THE WELL hanging out...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Here I am. Greg Weeks from The Red Chord is around to answer your questions no matter how dim-witted or irritating they are. I...

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> DEMON HUNTER are currently in the studio recording their 4th album, due out by the end of the year via Solid State. The...


CAULDRON, the band featuring former GOAT HORN members Jason Decay on bass and vocals, and Al “Artillery” Chambers on drums, plus guitarist Ian “Killpatrick”...


Black metal band HIEMS is down to one member now, founding member Algol. Algol will play all instruments for the bands second album, currently...

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THE AUTUMN OFFERING are currently in the stages of pre-production for their new full-length album with new vocalist Matt McChesney from HELL WITHIN. ZOROASTER...

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Let's face it – books on metal aren't challenging.  They may be well-researched and well-written, with rare photos and anecdotes.  But in the end,...


Houston is known for scorching heat, 110% humidity, it's status as the United States' fattest city and a crime rate that rivals New York...

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ROTTEN SOUND are set to enter the studio later this month to record their new full-length album. The release date is currently set for...

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AS I LAY DYING have set the tracklist for their newest album, “An Ocean Between Us”, set for release August 21st through Metal Blade:...