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Best of 2018

Read what our reviewer Nicholas picked for his 40 (FORTY) favorite albums of 2018!


Also dudes from Bruce Springsteen & the E St. Band, Mutoid Man, Exodus and Lillake.

Injection Reflection

This week was owned by the massive drama from THREATIN. Hopefully, we can move on this week. Here's what you missed this week: LA...

Music Videos

...it's way funnier than you think it's going to be.


Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


“When Lemmy was still alive I always got compared to Lemmy, so I had this dream where he got pissed at me," Matt Pike...

Music Videos

Emerging from the same smoke-induced riffs as proto-metal greats Deep Purple, UFO and Black Sabbath, War Cloud is a stoner metal band on the...


As the title of this throw-back post suggests, you are about to be treated to a flashback-inducing look at old-school guitar and bass adverts,...


High On Fire's Matt Pike gets real on Electric Messiah, the dangers of technology and Lemmy.

New Music

It's crazy that Lemmy has been gone for three years this December, feels like just yesterday we got the sad news that he had...

New Music

P.O.D. had two big hits around the turn of the millenium… "Alive" and "Boom!" off their 2001 release Satellite. Since then, we've heard those...

Upcoming Releases

It'll be packed with harmonies, and likely be amazing.

br00tal Comedy

The one thing about Devourment is that you could never understand what Ruben Rosas is saying. Thanks to Andy Rehfeldt, that is not a...

Song Premiere

South Korean metal?! You bet your ass we have metal from South Korea! Sahon is an extreme thrash act consisting of Yong Ho Lee (vocals,...

Sick Art

"How many shades of black exist in this world? None so dark as the darkest soul of the Black Metal: A Coloring Book! Now,...


The most essential 16 live albums.

br00tal Comedy

Andy Rehfeldt made his name doing "Radio Disney" versions of popular metal songs and he's back with a new mellow take on a hard...

Fuck Yes!

What was the loudest show you ever went to?