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Upcoming Releases

The Dillinger Escape Plan, Motorhead, Darkthrone, Today Is The Day, Coheed & Cambria, the list goes on...


Every once in a while I do an interview that kind of blows me away. Not because of anything special that I do, but...


Another solid, no bullshit effort by a band that seems almost incapable of producing any different.

br00tal Comedy

We love Andy Rehfeldt's mashups, and he's back with a new one – this time he takes Disturbed's cover of the Simon & Garfunkel classic...


With the news yesterday that Merriam-Webster added "shade" to the dictionary, we thought what a better day to use the term. It is defined...

Latest News

Jeff Matz of High On Fire really likes Arthur Brown, so instead of talking about his band we just discussed his dad and 70s...


As I was compiling this list, I was shocked at how many legendary albums came out in 1987. From Testament's debut to classic albums...

Show Recap

Eindhoven Metal Meeting was a fantastic experience, and Aura Noir destroyed it. by Stefan Raduta Twenty two years, don’t they go by in a...

Live Footage

As part of the NAMM festivities, there was a special Metal Allegiance show last night and it was covers city! Blabbermouth reports the full...

Best of 2016

Music is a drug, some say. I would go a bit farther and suggest that music is the drug. Its promises are real, its...

Best of 2016

From those mammoths of metal who continue to pave the way for the next generation, to a few surprises from some lesser-known names, these...


From inception to creation, here's how it all went down.


Geezer meld Hawkwind and Motorhead on this latest trippy artsy stoner rock masterpiece.

Metal Merch

Our suggestions for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza and all holiday heavy metal gifts


Motorhead may be no more, but Phil Campbell is still out there killing it.

Weekly Injection

In this edition I feel sorry for any band that isn't Metallica. To the metals...

Music Videos

Motorhead head frontman Lemmy Kilmister wasn't just an icon and hero, he was somebody that Metallica took great influence from and the band decided...

Metal Merch

Mini Guns N' Roses for your house and desk!


We chatted with vocalist John Carbone and guitarist Nick Lee backstage at the last date of their Intronaut and Entheos tour...


There's no single song here capable of making one singlehandedly forget Underground Resistance or Circle the Wagons, but as a whole you'll probably find...