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"You know the whole dad rock thing? We’re totally dad rock."

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The Dear Hunter, Culture Abuse, Thank You Scientist, etc.

Kids In Metal

Nine-year-old Nandi Bushell discovered Nirvana not too long ago and claims they are "in my top 5 bands so far." The Ipswich, England native...


This is the purest video you will see today. Dave Grohl made an appearance on the 50th season of Sesame Street and we are...

br00tal Comedy

You might remember David Dockery as tghe drummer who perfectly scored Charlie from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia infamous "Pepe Silva" scene. He's back...

It's Just Business

Want to be able to grow your bands network to get more opportunities? This is the article for you!

Bummer Alert

He has an an irregular heartbeat caused by an extra pathway to his heart.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. UNIFORM/THE BODY – Penance HAVOHEJ, UNIFORM/THE BODY Among...


We're back and this week, we're talking to Avatar's colorful frontman Johannes Eckerström. If you've ever seen the band live, it's not a stretch...

New Music

Eli Litwin, the Philly-based multi-instrumentalist you may know from bands like John Frum, Knife The Glitter and many more, is back with a new...

Celebrity Metalheads

Travolta knows his stuff.

Metal Crimes

A man accused of sexually assaulting a woman during a August 16th Korn concert in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio has turned himself in, according to...

Latest News

On Friday, August 23rd, two ridiculous metal shows will converge, collaborate, and conquer downtown Dayton, Ohio at Blind Bob's bar and The Oregon Express....

Upcoming Releases

"I don’t have any official news but there’s always something cooking."