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Search results for "BEAST"


"Here's the thing with Abbath – you essentially know what to expect, but then you listen to the record and you're smacked with surprise...


"Doyle is clearly pumped for this current tour and the experience is well worth the price of admission."

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It was a great way to rebel against the church.


No other country delivers "Pure Black Energy" as masterfully as Norway.

Music Videos

Scott Kelly and Igor Cavalera are here to ruin your day.


"Krüller shows a human side of Tristan Shone, more right side of the brain, and an openness to more perspective."


Another year, another batch of great metal albums. While there are sure to be many more excellent releases announced throughout the rest of the...


It's been a few months since we've checked in with Toyah & Robert Sunday Lunch cover videos. With the world opening up, King Crimson...


Adapt or die. Brad Pitt said that in the greatest film in the history of films Moneyball. Don't argue. I will fight you.  That...


Abbath Doom Occulta is Immortal. Demonaz Doom Occulta is Immortal. Norwegian black metal is Immortal. Abbath and Demonaz, whose real names are Olve Eikemo and Harald Nævdal respectively, co-founded Immortal in the autumn of 1990. Immortal would become...

Best of 2021

Norwegian black metal, or “norsk svartmetall,” is the ultimate reason for existence. Every time a new black metal single drops from Norway, “suddenly life...

Best of 2021

Another whirlwind 365 days have come and gone and boy, have there been some awesome metal albums released this year. Yeah, the existential apocalypse...