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Search results for "metallica"

RIP a Livecast

We were joined by two special guests on this edition of the RIP a Livecast, Justin Foley of The Austerity Program and our good...

Best of 2011

When I first began the thought process of this list I feared I wouldn't even be able to think of ten albums I liked....

Injection Reflection

It's been a few weeks since we've done any reflecting, but now we're back to our regularly scheduled reflection. The first week of December...

Best of 2011

It's that time of the year, when we go through the Best of 2011. To kick things off, we've complied a list of the...


Venom have been nothing but a constant and reassuring presence since they added a darkly sardonic and revolting twist to heavy metal in England...

Latest News

The weekend is finally here. I'm kicking it off by starting my new show on SiriusXM Liquid Metal tonight, and I'm really pumped about that. It's...

Latest News

Max Cavalera is no-doubt a metal god. He also had a very different upbringing than many of his collegues, growing up and starting his...

Injection Reflection

What a week this has been for metal. We started the week with a diva fit from Danzig and ended with confirmation of the...


We've been covering this drama within the Slipknot camp ever since the tragic passing of Paul Gray. The jist is some members of the band...

Upcoming Releases

Well, here is the big 11/11/11 announcement, announced at 11:11am pacific time: the original Black Sabbath is back! The band announced (via the above...

RIP a Livecast

This Livecast began with the recounting of an amazing story about Danzig being a diva at Fun Fun Fun Fest over the weekend. We...

Injection Reflection

This is a very bittersweet week here at Metal Injection. While we had some laughs, we dealt with the tragic loss of GWAR guitarist...

Latest News

Darren Aronofsky is one of my all-time favorite directors, with Requiem For A Dream and The Wrestler amongst my all-time favorite movies (the former...

Around the Interwebs

So, Lulu came out this week, and people hate it so much, Lou Reed is being threatened. Okay, maybe not actually being threatened, but...

Injection Reflection

It's Hallo-weekend. I was going to go dressed as the easiest Waldo ever to spot, but I never had enough time to buy my...

RIP a Livecast

Reminder: The Livecast has moved from Wednesday nights to Sunday nights from 7pm-9pm Eastern. Check back this Sunday for an all new episode. On our...


Last week, we mentioned to you how Jason Newstead, former Metallica bassist, has resurfaced recently with a new project called Papa Wheelie (ugh, can't...

Latest News

Everybody knows famed pop-culture author Chuck Klosterman is a metalhead, as he wrote a book about discovering it while growing up in Fargo. So...

RIP a Livecast

In the first hour of the show, we played some of the Lou Reed and Metallica collaboration, Lulu (which you can listen to here),...


Lou Reed and Metallica are being very coy and selective when it comes to releasing new music from their highly-anticipated disaster, Lulu, but today...


Losing a treasured band member in some tragic circumstance or another is becoming just all too frequent. Just ask British new-wave thrashers Evile, who...

Injection Reflection

I'm pretty excited for this weekend because we are going to get to see Argonauts, the new band with Dave Witte and Dmitiri formerly...


We've been having a good time poking fun at this (in our opinion) terrible collaboration between Lou Reed and Metallica for a few weeks...