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Not to be confused with the occult/doom-lite Swedish band Noctum currently signed to Metal Blade, Valencia's Noctem have bubbled up through a brief series...

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"We simply went different directions. I need to stand behind and feel inspired with what I do 100%"

Song Premiere

They want you to wet your pants and bang your head

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Trash Talk is a band known to start psuedo-riots, break things and have fans who enjoy pissing in their own mouths. Mayor Bill DeBlasio...

Live Footage

From the upcoming live DVD, Sepultura And Les Tambours du Bronx: Metal Veins – Alive At Rock In Rio. The band was accompanied by...

Weekly Injection

You ever just have one of those moments where you can't stop listening to "One Week," by The Barenaked Ladies? That's what I'm going...

Weekly Injection

Quantity and quality from the more underground side of metal this week friends. this week's edition includes the reunion album from a band that...

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In this episode of MSRcast, we dive back into the new releases of 2014 with our very special guest, the metal pigeon himself, Sean from...


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!


Crawling out of a graveyard in typically un-satanic North Carolina, Bloody Hammers are full-on horror rock with the eerie glam of Marilyn Manson and...


Starting off as a fairly prolific crust/sludge quartet from the Pacific Northwest, Trap Them began getting a little leaner in their output as they gained popularity,...


Symphonic metal is one of the most artistic subgenres of metal. I feel like there’s a certain way it needs to be done in...


Inquistion frontman Dagon denies his band being a nazis


Nirvana is a complicated subject, especially when considering where they fit into the framework of metal, punk, hardcore and other extreme music in general....

Weekly Injection

This week's edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION features the heavy return of your favorite guitar squealer, some Bay Area indies, goofy Norse guys and...


I'll just come out and say it: The Oath is a nearly picture-perfect, no nonsense heavy metal album. On their debut album, The Oath...

Live Footage

Tesseract recorded all of the "Of Matter" movement from their Altered State record live at Sphere Studios, which consists of the songs "Proxy," "Retrospect" and "Resist."...

Tim Lambesis Trial

“[Lambesis] began by asking me if I knew why I was there. I made the comment that I was hoping it wasn’t to kill...

Weekly Injection

Following a slow week, we're being hit with a near over abundance of solid records. In this edition we have tech-death legends, a Human...

Black Metal History

Almost any discussion about black metal invariably starts by referencing bands from the second wave of the sub-genre like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal. It's not surprising since...