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Toontrack just launched its annual and always much-anticipated campaign Metal Month. This year’s edition, which is the eleventh consecutive one, will as usual host weekly...

Live Footage

Previously known as That One Night: Live in Buenos Aires.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Thulcandra, Monolord, Lucifer, Grand Cadaver, Ghost Bath, Jerry Cantrell, Bad Wolves, and Archspire


"Hushed and Grim is the most mature, demanding, and emotionally resonant journey of Mastodon's career."

Upcoming Releases

They've also signed to Peaceville Records.

Music Videos

The title is the scientific name for water lilies.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop it out with Cyberviolence 2. October is already over half...

Shocking Revelations

Late last month, Judas Priest guitarist Richie Faulkner underwent extensive heart surgery. Faulkner suffered an aortic aneurysm on stage at Louder Than Life on September...

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He suffered an aortic aneurysm on stage at Louder Than Life.

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"These r stressful times (which is an understatement)."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from KK's Priest, Full Of Hell, Frontierer, Four Stroke Baron, Dying Wish, Bummer, and Asking Alexandria


Guitarist Tony Iommi and drummer Bill Ward first appeared at Ozzy Osbourne’s doorstep in 1968. The pair arrived in response to an old “Ozzy Zig Needs a Gig” advertisement that had lingered even...


The Work is by far the group’s most cohesive, ambitious, meditative, and varied effort, with greater uses of philosophical significance and transcendental respites.


There is more to the German music scene than Rammstein, Accept, Oomph!, Lindemann, Doro, Scorpions, and Megaherz. Metal fans will remember Kreator and Sodom...

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Blues guitarist Marcus King and a family member too!

Full Album Stream

Personally, the thing I love about the mathcore genre is that janky time signatures are key, and what the band chooses to do with...


The year 2001 was absolutely massive for heavy music. Metal had branched out in a multitude of different directions across all corners of the...


Not to harp on recent governmental moves towards regressive fundamentalism, but does this now mean that these (sorta) Belgian death metal greybeards aren’t allowed...


"There's some serious bangers and exploration here."