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The speculation was fun while it lasted. When photos surfaced of Mastodon in the studio, with one specific photo showing Dave Grohl holding a...


Nader Sadek is famous for his elaborate stage designs, sculptures, and masks. His clients have included artists like SUNN O))) and Mayhem, whom he...

Upcoming Releases

Falconer gear up fans for their 7th studio album Armod by releasing their first single Svarta Ãnkan. The track is entirely sung in Swedish...

Latest News

It's Thursday, which is apparently the new Friday, which must be the reason we have all these awesome new tunes at our disposal from...


While not exactly metal, Nirvana holds a very special place in my heart and at one point in my life was my favorite band...

Tour Dates

Earlier this week, we got hints of an east-coast Big 4 show from Lars, but now it's confirmed. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax will...

Upcoming Releases

The Black Dahlia Murder will release their new album, officially titled Ritual on June 21 via Metal Blade Records. The album is once again...


I've always thought of Krallice's music as a duel, envisioning the guitars feinting, parrying and maneuvering in abstract aural dimensions at ludicrous speed. About...

Upcoming Releases

One of the by-products of this weekend's Big 4 show in California is that the bands did a ton of press with some interesting...

Breakups & Shakeups

What the hell is going on in Chimaira? Their bassist quit in November, their keyboardist quit a few weeks ago and now their drummer...

Upcoming Releases

Mastodon are locked up in an Atlanta studio working on pre-production for a new album. Noisecreep caught up with drummer Brann Dailor who gave...

Tour Dates

Now this is going to be a great tour. Torche have announced a Summer go-around the US and will be taking one half of...


In “The Haunter of the Dark,” H. P. Lovecraft describes a man transfixed by a decrepit, abandoned church.  “Desolation and decay hung like a...


Whenever there is an overwhelming influx of new LPs being sent to my desk from around the world, I often find comfort in taking...

A Female Perspective

If there is ever a band that can turn a man into a jelly of emotions it's Evergrey. Hold on, don't stop reading just...


Metal used to be a boy’s club… pioneered by sweaty, shirtless dudes in leather pants blasting out the world’s loudest and heaviest incarnation of...

Latest News

One of my favorite bands, Gojira have posted a note on their Facebook page stating they are putting the finishing touches on live DVD....

Black Metal History

By Atanamar Sunyata This is the sound of war, insensate misanthropy unleashed, revenge, sorrow, triumph, madness. Weakling is, to me, the apex of American...

Upcoming Releases

File this under: Not a shocker. Soundgarden have posted a message on their official website confirming they are writing new material. The message reads:...


By Atanamar Sunyata Many metal albums create a feeling of forward movement; lumbering, running, sprinting. Others hold you stationary while buffeting you with gusts...

RIP a Livecast

What an episode of the RIP a Livecast this was! We kicked things off with Rob describing a stoned excursion to buy clothes for...


By Atanamar Sunyata Black moods demand bleak music.  There are certain albums that radiate genuine rage, that siphon off your own anger and anguish...

Latest News

As prolific as Japanese drone merchants Boris have been on the audio front over the past decade-plus, it's remarkable that 2011 will see their...