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Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...


by: Robert Pasbani For a guy who has said he'd love to reunite with his old Sepultura band mates, Max Cavalera just can't stop...


Graf Orlock are set to release their Doombox EP on January 18th on Vitrol Records and have announced a special edition packaging, which you...


By Ben Apatoff Any metalhead with a computer knows by now that JUDAS PRIEST are planning their final tour. Of course these things are...

Tour Dates

I know how excited all you junkies are for the Music As A Weapon V tour, so as soon as I got hold of...


There are sales all over the internet today, but this is clearly the most metal of all those sales. We are holding a special...


by: Robert Pasbani Late last week, Magrudergrind announced they are releasing a new EP, Grind Crusher for absolutely nothing, ZERO! They were able to...

Tour Dates

Click Here To Watch The Video Despised Icon STILL aren't broken up yet? What's the hold up guys? All kidding aside, the band is...

A Female Perspective

by: Noa Avior Maya Hansen, a corset designer, has recently put out a collection of "heavy metal" corsets inspired by such bands as Guns...

It's Just Business

If you don't check out Earache Records head honco Digby Pearson's blog, Ask Earache, you're missing out on some candid knowledge. Just recently, he...


by James Zalucky For many metal listeners, the name Cradle Of Filth provokes a great deal of scorn and resentment. This is especially true...


The following editorial is republished from our forum, where it was originally posted by one of our favorite junkies, keepitwolfson: To some, the acquisition...


Well the year is almost over and I can confirm that we will NOT be getting any new Necrophagist this year. After speaking to...


You may have seen the live bootleg our friend Ralph posted here last week of The Faceless performing a new track, now confirmed to...

It's Just Business

by: Robert Pasbani and Darren Delgado Victory Records hired Gilbert Gottfried of all people to star in an anti-piracy PSA, which you can see...


If you have yet to check out Brooklyn blackened-prog outfit Krallice, you are doing a disservice to your ears. The band employs some of...


Above you will find the droolworthy 50 second teaser of Animals As Leaders' first music video for the track CAFO. I'm into it! The...


By: Graham “Gruhamed” Hartmann What do you get when you combine the musicianship of CHILDREN OF BODOM, mix it with the symphonic sensibilities of STRATOVARIUS, the neo-classical...

Latest News

The last time we spoke about Blotted Science the band was rehearsing for a possible tour. That was two years ago and clearly that...

RIP a Livecast

Click Here To Watch The Video Behind The Scenes footage from our epic adventure on Mount Taurus, which we discussed during the show. This...

Latest News

By now, I am sure you have heard that Nergal is battling with leukemia. When the news was announced, metalheads everywhere asked how they...