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Search results for "between"


Socially conscious in a decade known for excess and decadence, the band held a mirror up to the darker side of the American dream....

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Blame God's Power and Control

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off talking about the recent feud between Tom G. Warrior and Metallica. We then discuss the recent altercation Behemoth's Nergal had...

Upcoming Releases

"I don’t have any official news but there’s always something cooking."


One of the weirdest points of the Tool news cycle recently, has been the band's intersection with Justin Bieber and his wife, Hailey. Earlier...


The epic marathon weekend that was the 2019 edition of ’77 Montreal and Heavy Montreal is in the books.  The beloved Heavy Montreal festival...


A few weeks ago, Bleak Flesh debuted the first and only single, the title track from the new album …And Save Us From Silence....

Latest News

Well, both tracklisting really.


On July 12th, Metal Injection owners Frank Godla and Robert Pasbani were invited to hear the long-awaited unreleased album from Tool, Fear Inoculum, in its...

Latest News

"I felt anxiety because they would blame our singer, and it's not his fault."

New Music

In our recent interview with the bad boy of synth-wave, he talks about his upcoming album, Valediction, being a personal album that doesn't hold...


It's not easy for a band to come to the States.

Music Videos

These Catalan-based princes of moody ambient metal is an act I've spoken about many times before, and with the release of Els Sepulcres Blancs...