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Kids In Metal

They do a pretty damn good job!


Slipknot have easily released their best music in the last 15 years.

Tour Dates

Logcruise just doesn't work as well.

Upcoming Releases

You can hear some of it now, if you can get your hands on this cassette.

Upcoming Releases

It'll feature some guest vocals from Wardruna vocalist Lindy-Fay Hella.

Back in the Day

Between 1982 and 1986, IRON MAIDEN would release five albums concluding with the ambitious 193-date World Slavery Tour. The tour so enervated vocalist Bruce...

Music Videos

Riffs on riffs on riffs – that's what you'll hear when you hit play on the new music video from Monte Pittman. Pittman released...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


Hard rockers Skillet have been delivering crowd pleasing anthems for a long time, and their latest album Victorious is jam packed with them.