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Search results for "between"

New Music

As part of our monthly underground round up, I'm here to bring you all the best from smaller bands we featured on the site...


Just to quickly catch you up, if you aren't abreast to the drama between Arch Enemy vocalist Alissa White-Gluz and her former band The...

Song Premiere

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Latest News

"I think a lot of it [was] just that age where you want it to be right."

Song Premiere

"A meeting point between Black Sabbath, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Kyuss and Captain Beefheart."


Black metal and the works of Friedrich Nietzche share a profound sense of awe and grandeur at the natural world, and a refusal to...

Shocking Revelations

It's no secret that there is a connection between Rage Against the Machine and Tool. Besides coming up together in the LA scene, guitarists...


June 22nd, 2019 marked one year since the world lost legendary drummer Vinnie Paul, who passed away in his Las Vegas home from complications...


Just how much atmosphere does it take to make good atmospheric black metal? It turns out it doesn't really matter as long as the...


Psycho Las Vegas 2019 can be summarized in two words: Holy Shit. This annual party in the Mojave Desert has grown from a simple...


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

New Music

It's a mathy, old-school-metalcore, maybe-a-little-MySpace-core track.

Upcoming Releases

Including a bunch of albums never on vinyl and some posters.


Will we ever hear new Necrophagist?