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DEFTONES New Album Release Date Confirmed By LA Billboard

Deftones know how to keep their name in the press.

deftones 2020

The Deftones teases continue, and a recent one led to a trail that confirmed the release date of the new album.

The band tweeted out coordinates earlier today:

Beez from Mosh Talks noted he lived 20 minutes away from the coordinates, and ended up heading over there, and the coordinates led the a billboard, which very clearly offered the release date of the new album.

As we figured last week, the release date is now confirmed to be September 25th, 2020. The billboard also reads “this is our time _we devour the days ahead.”

Earlier today, Deftones fans figured out the new album will be called Ohms, which is the standard unit of electrical resistance between two points of a conductor.

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