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Latest News

That's an incredible amount of dedication.

Underground Roundup

Featuring High Command, Celestial Sanctuary, Dream Unending, Bossk, Whitespade, and more!

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Venom Inc., SpellBook, Razor, Petbrick, Living Wreckage, Stratovarius, and Frayle.


"If you like your drums loud, your bass loud, and everything else loud then Petbrick's Liminal has got you covered."

Full Album Stream

Feat. guest spots from Neurosis and Converge members.

Music Videos

Es bien sabido que si tocas Meshuggah lo suficientemente fuerte, te convertirás en polvo y volarás debido a la potencia de los riffs. Ahora...

Bummer Alert

Thanks for the thunder, Torche.

New Music

From an upcoming double single.


Featuring Tribal Gaze, Maul, Sedimentum, Tzompantli, Phobophilic, and more!


"Gather & Mourn is harsh, incendiary and savage-sounding."

Latest News

Rick Smith getting a solid pre-tour warmup.


"What keeps the band interesting at this point comes down to the fact that no one does instrumental post-metal quite like this."

New Music

Eight-plus minutes of burning riffs.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Ether Coven, Grave Bathers, Psycroptic, and Savage Master.

Underground Roundup

Featuring Acephalix, Early Moods, Brymir, Sumerlands & more!

Latest News

Mårten Hagström also talks about when they first used eight strings.


"Conjurer has deepened Mire’s frenetic violence with immersive menace."