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Doomy death metal has a history and pedigree that spans from the rich and vibrant on one end to the so-boring-it-might-as-well-be-clinically-dead on the other....

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off by talking about Emmure's failed Patreon page. We review the two new songs from System of a Down, and play...


The Botanist would have a field day in my neighbourhood! Head tree hugger, Roberto “Otrebor” Martinelli has previously stated that when the time comes...


Within the walls of the Stewart-Panko abode, mentioning the name Wombripper will elicit wildly differing reactions. My long-suffering wife works as a midwife, childbirth...

RIP a Livecast

On this election night edition, we are joined by the queen of shred herself, Mrs. Smith for the episode. Mrs. Smith updates us on...

Upcoming Releases

My personal favorite Judas Priest album would have to be Painkiller. I thought their most recent release, Firepower, was right up there, actually, and...

RIP a Livecast

Guitar wizard Orianthi kicks off the show today to talk about her career, and her new album, O, due November 6th. We talk about...


Professional comedy is hard, that's why not everybody can do it. Perhaps Sebastian Bach doesn't understand how difficult it is to do good comedy,...


In these waning days of humanity, democracy, freedom, clean air, good taste, low class, and sensible shoes, it’s great to be able to have...


Holland’s Celestial Season is a bit of an obscurity, even on the doom/death scene, which dominated the band’s sound throughout their early works. They’re...

RIP a Livecast

Political commentator Jordan Uhl joins us for this episode, and we kick things off talking about the controversial new Five Finger Death Punch music...

RIP a Livecast

Noa is still out in the desert somewhere, but we're joined by our friend, Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks for this episode. We kick things...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about the tragic news of Eddie Van Halen passing away. Rob and Sid share some memories from seeing Van...

This Is Just A Tribute

To say the entire rock world is shocked with the sudden, but not unexpected loss of guitar god Eddie Van Halen is an understatement....

This Is Just A Tribute

The Van Halen guitarist died after a battle with throat cancer.


The contributing elements that go into making noise rock an art form that’s at once gloriously transcendent, stridently isolating, sonically punishing, and slyly sarcastic...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off discussing Alex Skolnick's new anti-Trump rap song. We discuss tonight's debates. We talk about Lars' least favorite Metallica song. We...


I am incredibly excited to talk to one of the biggest guests yet on the show, Adam "Edge" Copeland. We talk about how Edge...

RIP a Livecast

We are excited to be joined at the top of the show by Aria DiMezzo, a trans metalhead, self described anarchist Satanist who is...

Attention, Stoners:

Kirk Hammett had the most "bomb" weed Kyle Shutt ever smoked

RIP a Livecast

We're so excited to have guitarist Kyle Shutt (The Sword, Doom Side of the Moon) on at the top of the show to talk about...