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“Every frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photo.” While these words were uttered in the infamous Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode...

Fuck Yes!

It's not the end, just a break.


A look back at an uprising that captured the spirit of the heavy metal community a decade ago.


"Watchers of Rule showcases a band firing on all cylinders. There is an urgency, a purpose and a drive I haven't felt in a...

Black Metal History

Happy February, or as we've christened it for the last few years… Happy Black Metal History Month. All month, we will celebrate metal's most...


This is heavy metal for metalheads. If you ever find yourself complaining about the state of heavy music, this album will shut you up...


Behind the scenes in the crazy world of metal promotion, hacks around the block were recently email slammed by Bullet Tooth Records and their...


Pallbearer roared into 2012 with enormous expectations, being one of the most hyped new bands in years without an actual album under their belt....


After the band's initial assembly in 2007, and creating a self-titled full length album, Those Who Bring The Torture then disbanded in 2010. In...


Wovenwar is the supergroup of the bands As I Lay Dying and Oh, Sleeper. They were formed from the events in 2013, when AILD...


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!

Tour Dates

Basically the next year from July will be good for all of Battlecross' fans!

Upcoming Releases

Because you weren't excited enough already for a new Gojira album!


One of the most disappointing omissions from this year's Summer Slaughter lineup is Vancouver's oft-slept on Archspire. Having released a profile-raising sophomore album last month...


Death metal, as a genre, hasn’t made too many leaps since its birth into the field. But like the old saying goes, “if it...

Black Metal History

Today is the last day of February concluding another kvlt Black Metal History Month.

Essential Black Metal Listening

I love Ulver’s place in the history of black metal. Only three albums and just a couple of years can really be dedicated to...

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...

Black Metal History

Among the most underground black metal units the band Incurus is one that remains really, well, underground. VJS’ one-man fronted abrasive black metal assault...

Black Metal History

Gorgoroth. That’s it. That’s all you really need right? You know black metal, right? Has there ever been a single shred of doubt about...