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EVAN RACHEL WOOD Claims MARILYN MANSON Threatened To "F**k" Her Eight-Year-Old Son, According to Court Docs

evan rachel wood marilyn manson

The Daily Mail reports that actress Evan Rachel Wood claimed that Marilyn Manson (real name: Brian Warner) once threatened to fuck her eight-year-old son.

The allegations came to light in court documents regarding Wood's ongoing custody battle for her child with ex-husband, Jamie Bell.

After installing bullet proof glass windows, a steel door and a security fence in her LA home, Wood eventually moved to Nashville to keep distance between Manson and her son, Jack. Bell argued that the reason for the move was so that Bell wouldn't be able to see his son.

Wood argued that maintaining custody of her son would keep him safe from Manson, saying “I am extremely afraid of the alleged offender [Manson]. I have suffered severe, traumatic physical and emotional injury at his hands, and I am afraid he will seek retribution against me for testifying by harming me, our son, and members of my family.

“In my experience, the alleged offender is very retaliatory and has always made it clear that he will ruin my life.”

Woods claims another Manson victim has recordings of Manson claiming he has her children's social security number and spy photos of them.

Manson allegedly says on that recording, “I’ve got everything, they’re fucked, and they’re going to be fucking destroyed. I know where they live, where their fucking kids go to school, where they work, their parents…”

Bell's counter-filing calls into question the credibility of these threats “I frankly do not understand what is happening. Either Evan’s claims that she is receiving ‘death threats’ are true and Jack is not safe in her care, or they are not true and she is withholding our son from me for other reasons of her own invention.”

On February 1st, actress Evan Rachel Wood publicly named Manson as her abuser, after previously detailing being mentally and physically tortured by an older man when she was 18-years-old. You can see the details of her accusations here. She later elaborated that Manson "started grooming me when I was a teenager and horrifically abused me for years," adding "I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission." Wood released a second statement accusing Manson and his current wife of trying to blackmail her into silence. One of Manson's former personal assistants has backed her claims and alleged Manson is abusing his current wife. An anonymous accuser told the courts that Manson told her he planned to kill Evan Rachel Wood.

Wood began signal-boosting other women who spoke of the abuse they alleged Manson caused to them. Another accuser has since come forward saying Manson pulled a gun on her and accused him of drugging his girlfriend at the time.

Limp Bizkit's Wes Borland, who played with Manson in 1998, was the first artist to speak out, and said that everything Wood was saying was true. Trent Reznor released a statement denouncing him. Another musician, Phoebe Bridgers, revealed she went over to Manson's house as a teenager and he joked of having "a rape room."

Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco also filed a suit against Manson his now-former manager Tony Ciulla, claiming that Manson raped and sexually battered her, and that his manager helped traffic her to the States under the pretense of being in a music video. Manson's lawyers maintain his innocence, calling Bianco's lawsuit a "untrue, meritless, and a key component of a coordinated attack."

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department paid a visit to Marilyn Manson's home on November 29th, as a part of their ongoing investigation into sexual assault claims.

TMZ reports sources tell them that the LASD Special Victims Unit visited Manson's West Hollywood home, with a search warrant. Manson was not home at the time, but the warrant allowed them to entire his home and seize "media storage units, including hard drives." They will be reviewing the content before submitting it to the district attorney.

Recently, Manson's lawyer seemed to float the idea of a "global settlement" with all of his accusers during a recent court hearing.  Rolling Stone reports:

At a court hearing in Los Angeles, defense lawyer Stephen D. Rothschild started by saying Warner’s side was open to settlement discussions with the Jane Doe ex-girlfriend who claims the musician brutally raped her at his residence in 2011. The lawyer then took it a step further.

“There are other cases that are somewhat related, and so as things progress, we may decide that it’s best to have a global mediation. I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon, but it is in the cards,” Rothschild said.

Manson has previously denied all accusations.

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