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Search results for "standard"


"The End, So Far contains plenty of powerful moments, and successfully breaks new ground for Slipknot 27 years into their career."


"Opvs Contra Natvram, while enjoyable, doesn't quite measure up to their past success."


"Valborg certainly takes a chance by playing more hard and less pretty as they age."


While not exactly revolutionary, Totem highlights Soulfly as Max expressing everything he likes about metal, as well as his native culture.


If microtonal black metal becomes a micro-genre, it's fair to speculate that Scarcity will become one of the micro-scene's micro-gateway bands.


"Wormrot shape other genres around grind for their purposes and to their advantage."


"This particular niche of metal may never have a champion of this caliber in this lifetime."


"Dystopia fits in nicely with the post-metalcore wave, but Caliban still calls back to the many eras of heavy music they’ve partook in."


"Allegaeon's metamorphosis from mechanical tech-deathheads to progressive wayfarers has been as smooth as it was unpredictable."


"Some may say that Ashes of Ares doesn't stray out of their comfort zone on this record, but then again, you might ask why...


"While it still technically falls under the blackened deathcore umbrella, Ritual Hymns finds Worm Shepherd proving how versatile this micro-genre can be."


"This is Obscura standing more unencumbered and iconoclastically as they push the quality of their own work."


A View from the Top of the World is a promising glimpse into Dream Theater's possible future revitalization.


"In The Court Of The Dragon is well-written, well-executed, and a bold new step in the Trivium world."


"Caravans to the Outer Worlds is a great EP and well worth repeated listens."


"For nine songs, God Is Partying feels like more of an EP than a full length. Still, this record is likely to satisfy those...


Music that we really connect with and always spin every year is a rare thing. Usually, you’ll grow tired of a release after a...


It’s unfortunate that the later career of At The Gates is overshadowed by the departure of lead guitarist Anders Björler, but it’s understandable. Björler’s...


If there’s one thing – well, one more thing – we can dump into the lap of the Covid-19 pandemic it’s the amplification of...


Tobias “Wintherr” Möckl has been releasing cold, raw, harsh black metal under the Paysage d'Hiver pseudonym since 1997, and bears the standard of Swiss...


Fans have long argued about which Zao era truly takes the cake, but many more should acknowledge the band’s late-career resurgence. Classics like Sprinter...


Black Sheep Wall has evolved their sound, but not at the cost of ultra-heavy savagery to pile drive listeners into the center of the...


Translating from Icelandic as “All This Damn Darkness,” Allt Tetta Helvitis Myrkur doubles down on the most haunting aspects of Katla's brand of atmospheric...