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Search results for "stone"

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include lots of prog, weirdness, noise, and more! To the metals...


Though Kall originated from a band rooted in frigid misanthropy, the band's long-expected sophomore album brings vibrant warmth to the band’s tortured aura.

It's Just Business

As the music industry tries to get back on its feet, a new memo sent out by the world's largest concert promoter, Live Nation,...

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot and Stone Stour frontman Corey Taylor has been talking a lot about his upcoming solo album, but until now, we didn't quite have...


Eye of Nix’s third album of baroque black/doom metal has a much better production value, but it's still otherworldly in its bizarre beauty.

New Music

There's a "blegh" breakdown in there.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include a soundtrack to a restaurant, an album that some might argue isn't music, and more! To the...

Metal Crimes

In a case of when keeping it real (metal) goes wrong, Mexican metal band Thunderslave have been dropped by their label, Remorse Records, and their debut...

Around the Interwebs

“What machine did you think they were raging against, man?”

Latest News

With June being Pride month, heavy metal's most prominent out gay men, Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford has some advice for closeted metalheads, "...

Record Sales

May was a rough month, but the rock and metal bands on Spotify overall saw gains in their listeners. This month I decided to...

Latest News

Also Glassing, Cherubs, Fight Amp, Transit Method, and Nomad Stones!

New Music

I'm extremely happy to report the Slay At Home festival was a success all around. With over 30 curated performances right from artist's homes,...

New Music

RTJ4, the new album from Run The Jewels was scheduled to be released this Friday, but in light of what's happening in the world right now, the...


Slay At Home, a first of its kind virtual metal music and art festival organized by Frank Godla of Metal Injection, is set to...

Scene Report

Today we're going to take a deep dive into the substantial metal history of the Reino de España, aka, the "Kingdom of Spain," and the geographic...

Metal Merch

Got a couple of grand burning a hole in your savings account?