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Latest News

Is he subtly throwing shade at his other bands or just talking about how much fun he had here? 

New Music

His new solo material is finally hear!


Tomorrow is day we hear all.

New Music

A cameo by the Cherry Bombs too.

New Music

Aimee Osbourne never wanted to be in her father's spotlight. She opted not to be on their reality show, The Osbournes, and the few...


I recently told a friend I’d be fine never hearing “You Shook Me All Night Long” again. He whole-heartedly agreed. Yet, here we are...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include poorly/perfectly timed album names, covers, re-recordings, and more! To the metals...


I guess when you only sell 600 copies of a new album in its first week, the revenue starts to run dry. That seems...

Bummer Alert

"But it doesn't look as though there’s anything in the future, unfortunately."


This week marked the tragic three year anniversary of the passing of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. The death sent shockwaves throughout the music...

Upcoming Releases

We're very excited for Corey Taylor's highly anticipated new solo album. While nothing official has been announced, last week's tease makes it seem like...


In this here normal country called the United States of America, Donald Trump's social media director Dan Scavino tweeted out a campaign video for...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Jason Stone, who had the best zinger: “Talk about an inflated ego.” Now for this week's...

New Music

I imagine with the never-ending quarantine, we will be hearing a lot of music from various side projects, because everybody likely has so much...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include synth prog from a future apocalypse, Pirate jams about poop, doooooooooooom, and more! To the metals...

Kids In Metal

We are such big fans of viral 10 year old sensation Nandi Bushell over in the UK. Nandi has been making waves on the...


He feels Kyuss Lives! wasn't the ressurection the band deserved.

Record Sales

In 2014, KISS frontman Gene Simmons controversially stated that "rock is dead," and perhaps he may have been onto something. To wit, let's look...