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The evidence is pretty convincing.

Shocking Revelations

As Fear Factory gear up to move on with a new vocalist and new album, founding vocalist Burton C. Bell offered some interesting nuggets...

Tour Dates

In what should come as no surprise, Rage Against the Machine have decided to play it safe and reschedule their big reunion tour to...

Breakups & Shakeups

Saliva was set to reunite with Josie Scott, tour the world, reign in the nostalgia but now all plans are off. In 2019, Scott...

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Kittie isn't dead, it's just sleeping.

Injection Reflection

Is it me or are the weeks going by faster every day? 1. Corey Feldman Says MARILYN MANSON Caused Him “Decades Long Mental And...

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"The pandemic and the lockdown is pretty much what allowed it."

Shocking Revelations

That's assuming a Pantera reunion would ever even happen.

Shocking Revelations

No click click booms just yet, Saliva's reunion with Josey Scott has hit a snag, and that snag is of course, the pandemic. In...


Even though touring isn't happening at the moment, there are plenty of chess pieces being put into place for the moment that live events...

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Yes, the original Dream Theater and now ex-Dream Theater members are all involved.

Shocking Revelations

Static-X have had a pretty successful relaunch, which seemed impossible when initially announced, since it would be missing late frontman Wayne Static. Turns out,...


"The vibe in that camp is very cool at the moment, and we all have each other's backs."

Bummer Alert

"That never really lifted off. Because right at that same moment is when COVID hit."

Bummer Alert

"If it were to happen, it would be in such a drastically different context than what a fan would be thinking of. "

Bummer Alert

What could've been. Earlier this week, Van Halen's manager, Irving Azoff, confirmed all the rumors were true! Van Halen were planning a 2019 reunion...

Shocking Revelations

For months in late 2018, and early 2019, there were rumors of a massive stadium tour from Van Halen, which would've seen Eddie and...


A leak on AC/DC's website seems to confirm new music is coming.


One of the OGs of metalcore, Misery Signals gave fans proper time to stew ahead of the release of their fourth studio album Ultraviolet....