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Is it that time of year already? The time when we complain about how incredibly out of touch the Grammy voting committee is with...

Injection Reflection

The week is over already?! While I'm surprised at how fast we got here, I'm also shocked at how long it took. Plenty of...

Latest News

A few months back, we posted about the richest drummers in rock and were surprised to learn that Dave Grohl outgrossed Metallica drummer Lars...

Celebrity Metalheads

Rapper and convicted woman beater Chris Brown was photographed in Hollywood last week sporting a new leather jacket, with some familiar logos to visitors of this website....


I've always found the practice of naming such a strange and fascinating concept. Today more than ever we put such a huge importance on...

Injection Reflection

What a week it's been. Offensive videos, lots of GWAR and way too much alcohol at our CMJ showcase last night. We'll make sure...


With the advent of the internet, live video performances were destined to be seen from the comfort of your home. Unfortunately, even in 2012,...

Tour Dates

The news that Slipknot was announced as the final headliner for Download Festival 2013 should have maggots everywhere excited, even if they're not planning...


If anything proves Rolling Stone's irrelevancy to music nowadays, it's their just-released readers poll of the greatest heavy metal albums of all time. Spoiler...


Welcome my friends to episode 129 of MSRcast. In this episode, we get all geeky up in here. We designed a fun playlist full...


Kids these days have it easy. They have access to things we only dreamed of as a child. Seeing as though metal itself is...

Fuck Yes!

When I think about professional sports and which player and/or position seems to be the most intimidating, I always conclude that hands down, ice...


There is a Deep Purple tribute album on the horizon. Re-Machined: A Tribute to Deep Purple's Machine Head comes out on September 25th and will have DP...


I don't think it was necessarily a surprise when Testament knocked it out of the park with 2008's The Formation of Damnation. Fans may...

Upcoming Releases

It is not a good week, my friends. Not a good week at all. At first glance, I noticed that there were hardly any...

Sick Art

There is no doubt that band tattoos are the ultimate sign of appreciation and loyalty for your favorite artists, it's like a band T-shirt...


It's the kickoff to the work week, and I'm still hung over from my weekend adventures. Here are some new jams:  First up, check...

Latest News

I absolutely love when Vans collaborate with metal bands on shoes, with my favorites in the past being either Slayer or Iron Maiden. The...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...


I am completely floored by the awesomeness that is the new Testament track. "True American Hate" can be streamed above, and comes off the band's upcoming...


[tv]https://metalinjection.net/tv/view/9343/marty-friedman-and-kerry-king-jam-top-5-riffs[/tv] Everything is awesomer in Japan. That's why former Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman relocated. He is treated like a God there. Friedman has a...


Machine Head played a secret show at Kings College in London last night, under their cover band moniker Ten Ton Hammer. They played some...

Hand Ov Doom

This week's episode of The Hand ov Doom is filled with the rank stench of decay as Infernal Proclamators Robben the Grave and Ben...