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Metal Merch

[tps_header]Christmas and Hannukah shopping for metalheads may not be easy, so we here at Metal Injection thought we'd throw in our two cents on...

Show Recap

For the longest time, Sacramento was passed over by mid-level tours. We simply didn't have a place for them that was decent. Then came...

Around the Interwebs

We've featured some pretty brutal cakes on Metal Injection before because we recognize your need for fod that can be considered metal. However, this...

Metal In The Mainstream

666…it's not just the mark of the beast, it's a number you can get assigned in a cross country race in Kentucky. But, for...

Full Album Stream

A few weeks ago, we told you about a pretty killer Michael Jackson tribute album being put together featuring the like's of Testament's Chuck...

Around the Interwebs

Happy Halloween! Last night, we asked you, the Metal Injection junkies to submit your metal pumpkin carvings on our Facebook page and you guys...


Halloween's coming, and you know what that means- it's time to listen to that timeless punk-rock institution, The Misfits! 


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...


Welcome to episode 145 of MSRcast as we dive further into the mind of Larry Roberts, guitarist for Novembers Doom. This is the second...

Latest News

Earlier on in September, Machine Head frontman Robb Flynn made a joke (we think it was a joke?) about Avenged Sevenfold's new albums essentially...

Mustaine Mania

Ok, not really, but Megadeth can lay claim to being the first band online with an official website. 

Latest News

Metallica are wrapping up promotion for their new movie, Metallica Through The Never (which made another $600k at the box office this week) and...

Upcoming Releases

That's right; Thriller is going to be a metal tribute album to Michael Jackson and will feature members (and former members) of bands like...

Upcoming Releases

Each week when I write THE WEEKLY INJECTION, I find readers bitching about me not covering more "underground" bands. Mind you, I don't do...

Live Footage

Here's Metallica's full set from Rock In Rio 2013.

Live Footage

Slayer's full set from Rock in Rio 2013.

Live Footage

Here's Avenged Sevenfold full set from Rock In Rio 2013.

Live Footage

Here's Ghost full set from Rock In Rio 2013.

Live Footage

Here's Alice In Chains full set from Rock In Rio 2013.

Live Footage

Here's Sepultura's full set from Rock In Rio 2013.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Brad Bortone who had the best zinger: "Sure Dave…we'll record together soon! Alright, buh-bye…" Now for...

Heavy Metal Real Estate

Let's face it, if you're in a metal band chances are it doesn't pay the bills. Some people choose to work as bartenders, airline pilots,...


Twilight of the Gods are releasing their new record Fire on the Mountain come September 27 on Seasons of Mist, and honestly I'm getting...