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Injection Reflection

Summer might not officially start for a few weeks but things are heating up. Here's what you missed this week. SLIPKNOT's Jay Weinberg Discusses...


Heavy metal has its share of iron men. The road warriors who carve out three-quarters of their year trekking across the globe melting faces,...


"I’ve played it safe for the past decade with DTP [Devin Townsend Project] and I have a lot of things left to say that...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


Read an interview with the band's new vocalist and check out exclusive photos from the recording process of the band's new album, The Disconnect!


I mean, it's not the original - but she does a bang up job.


Tool is making their way across Europe for summer rock festival season, and they kicked things off in Berlin on June 2nd. New footage...


This includes frontman Schuylar Croom's insulin.

Upcoming Releases

While this is a touching tribute to one of the greatest releases of all time, is it really necessary?

Music Videos

Cannibal Corpse have unveiled the music video for the title track from their 2017 release, Red Before Black. The video was directed by Vince Edwards....


From Shillong in India, Plague Throat have been establishing their name as one of the main death metal acts in the country. I enjoyed...