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Search results for "process"

Bummer Alert

It would be their final album overall, but it's held up.

New Music

Chunky riffs in the style of Master Of Reality, y'all.


The prolific one-man doomed black metal project returns this September. Listen to an exclusive stream of the 18-minute "Cairn to God" and read an...


The Great War is solid as a tank and marks a major victory for Sabaton; 20 years of consistent, hard-hitting, epic metal music. these Swedish...


Slipknot are out kicking ass and taking names in Europe and have posted a pretty cool video documenting the behind the scenes process for...


Enjoy our coverage of Knotfest and Hellfest France 2019, and check out our gallery of 450+ shots, following the recap. Hellfest is a wonderful...

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a full album stream of Freighter’s The Den.


Last month, Katy DiSanto, wife of Vektor vocalist/guitarist David DiSanto, alleged that her husband constantly harassed and assaulted her and taped an incident where...

Metal Crimes

Thankfully, Hill is going to be okay.

Song Premiere

It's true. The Arizona trio's new album, Exploitative Practices, arrives this Friday

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about Slayer, komodo dragons, and Aaron Lewis' recent appearance on the Mike Huckabee talk show. We were then excited...

Upcoming Releases

"This year is kind of like an 'off' year — we only do a few festivals and no touring>"

New Music

Want an in your face thrash attack? Overt Enemy bring it, and they bring it hard!

Music Videos

Another head scratching wild video under their belt!