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Tool's debut album, Undertow, was released 26 years ago today, April 6th, 1993. In celebration we're counting down 26 interesting facts you may not...

New Music

The industrial unit that is 3TEETH has returned.

Injection Reflection

It's WrestleMania weekend, and there's a ton of metal news this week. While you watch all the hurracanranas and topés, here is what you...


Italy's Fleshgod Apocalypse have the market cornered on combining stirring sweeping symphonics with bone snapping death metal. Agony, Labyrinth and King are genre staples,...

Music Videos

It was 25 years ago today that Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain took his own life on April 5, 1994. To honor Cobain's legacy, Indiana...

Upcoming Releases

The snippet sounds like a boss battle in an RPG.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some hurdy-gurdy, which you know I love, and other music that doesn't have hurdy-gurdy for some reason. ...

Metal Merch

You never know what can catch the ire of internet commenters nowadays. Today, it's the announcement of Trivium frontman Matt Heafy's new line of...


You are not ready for this one...

Tour Dates

Louder Than Life fest is getting a dose of Paradise City. Guns N Roses were announced as the headliners of the festival, happening in...

Upcoming Releases

Sid Wilson, #0 in the Slipknot camp, offered a very intriguing update from the studio today… He's almost done with his parts! Why is...

Music Videos

Well, whaddya we got over here? A new All That Remains video with a familiar face for WWE fans, Enzo Amore. In between releasing...

Metal Crimes

Just a few months after a movie was made about the Norwegian black metal scene, which also chronicles the church burnings in the early...