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KORN Vocalist Says New Album The Nothing Is A Reaction To Personal Losses

Namely his wife dying last year.

Namely his wife dying last year.

Korn frontman Jonathan Davis has been dealing with a lot over the past year, namely the death of his wife and the band going through a lawsuit with their former drummer. Korn recently announced a new album titled The Nothing and in an interview with Kerrang!, Davis says the record is a reaction to everything that's been going on in his life.

Davis says the process of channeling his emotions into the music sucked and "was just really hard. But that's how I've always dealt with all my problems — just throwing my heart and soul into my art."

"It's a record I'm really, really, really proud of. I worked really hard on it. The rest of the members worked hard and really did a great job. It's a very dark record.

"It's basically me dealing with all the stuff that happened to me last year. Very emotional for me, but it is what it is. I can't wait for people to hear it. I really spent a long time on doing what I wanted to do this time. No producers came in. And people trying to get me to do one thing this way or the other way — everybody was overthinking a lot of things — but I finally was fed up with it and kicked everyone out and said, 'It'll be done when it's done.' And I locked myself up in my studio and spent a long time reflecting and just healing and making my art. And a couple of months later, I came out and it's done and I just can't wait for you to hear it. I can't explain much."

Korn will release The Nothing on September 13. The record was produced by Nick Raskulinecz, who also worked on their 2016 album The Serenity Of Suffering. Be sure to check out the debut single "You'll Never Find Me" here if you haven't done so already.

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