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Search results for "Limited"

It's Just Business

I personally really enjoy when a band takes the time to rant about the music industry. We all have our complaints but these are...

It's Just Business

In 2000, Lars Ulrich and Metallica, issued a lawsuit against the (illegal) file-sharing software, Napster and it's founder Sean Parker. Twelve years later, the...


Venomous Maximus – debuting on LP here after an independently released EP earlier this year – are 80's metal children, to be sure, but not...

Tour Dates

Decibel Magazine sure knows how to throw a party. Our favorite monthly metal publication will be celebrating it's 100 issue in January, and to...

Metal Merch

Hey, remember that Pug Destroyer video sweeping the nation last week? If you caught a bit of pug fever, there is now a shirt...


We were shocked and bummed yesterday, to learn that Cattle Decapitation had dropped off their tour with Six Feet Under due to an altercation where, according to Cattle...

Latest News

Metallica shoes are one thing, but I'm all about the Iron Maiden vans. Of all the Vans metal crossovers, the Maiden crossovers have to...

Latest News

Ozzfest has not been seen or heard from since 2010, when Ozzy, Motley Crue and Judas Priest went out on an extremely limited 10-stop...

Heavy Metal Underground

Heavy Metal Underground is a new feature where columnist Alex Phillips will look to the unsigned bands, and pick out ones he feels deserve...

Marketing Genius

VIP package experiences are all the rage nowadays. With music sales down, the only thing a band has to offer at a premium price...

Fuck Yes!

When King ov Hell and Gaahl left Gorgoroth in 2006, the duo formed a group called God Seed. The two never released anything under the...


We don't do an A/V Roundup for a few days, and then it happens, an explosion of new music. Today we have a killer...

Latest News

Emmure frontman Frankie Palmeria loves Limp Bizkit. Frankie would love to tour with the Biz. In fact, the band is on a nu-metal tour right...

Upcoming Releases

Wintersun need more time! THEY NEED MORE TIME! The band was all set to release their long awaited sophomore effort, Time I, it was...

Latest News

I was really bummed when Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Brian Benoit had to leave the band in 2007 due to nerve damage in his arm,...

Tour Dates

So recently all of us dudes from MetalSucks, Metal Injection, and 1000 Knives were sitting around smoking peyote out of a dead mule's skull (y'know, like you do)...

Upcoming Releases

I hope you've all enjoyed your Labor Day weekend (I don't really care), but it's time to get back into the swing of things...


What a roundup today. We have video of a full live set from Pig Destroyer, Tombs covering Bowie, new music from Enslaved, Murder Construct,...

Upcoming Releases

Stoner / sludge masters Kylesa are back at it again. Not only are they coming out with a new album in 2013, but the...

Upcoming Releases

Good reviews all around this week (kind of). But still, my relative good mood aside, we've got some genuinely awesome stuff coming out, from...

Video Games

Trent Reznor is living the nerd dream. Sure, he's one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet, but the dude is ultimately a nerd...

Breakups & Shakeups

Peter Wichers cannot be more over it. The guitarist has announced his departure from Soilwork today over creative differences. This is notable because this is...

Upcoming Releases

Relapse Records has been on a mission to release as much Death material as humanly possible, and we absolutely love it! Anything that the legendary Chuck Schuldiner...