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Music Videos

 The single, taken from the band's upcoming Prosthetic Records debut  Slave To The Sword, is currently being offered as a limited edition 7" vinyl...

METAL Injection

Five years between albums is a long time but when you've got a hundred other side projects that's just the way shit rolls. And...


Someone's been listening to their King Diamond. Oh, what the hell… there are so many Venom, Bathory and Celtic Frost clones flitting about – not to mention Sabbath, Slayer and even Blue Oyster...


Halloween's coming, and you know what that means- it's time to listen to that timeless punk-rock institution, The Misfits! 


I went out and got my hipster on Sunday at the Treasure Island Festival. I have not shame in this. However, in the process...

Metal Merch

How have folk metal bands not thought of this sooner? Or maybe they have and I've just missed the boat this whole time. Either...

Tour Dates

It seems like only yesterday the staff of Metal Injection and MetalSucks celebrated our third annual CMJ Showcase with Pig Destroyer slaying the sold...

Upcoming Releases

Max Cavalera was recently interviewed by Greek zine Metal Kaos and revealed some juicy details about his upcoming collaboration with The Dillinger Escape Plan's...

Weekly Injection

Now I usually don't use this space for any sort of promotion, because why would I? No one reads this part. Fuck it though....

Latest News

You may have heard that Nachtmystium frontman Blake Judd was arrested over the weekend for theft. There are some people so happy about this,...

Weekly Injection

Weeks like this week are why I love this genre. The offerings are limited, but this is just evidence that there is so much...

Upcoming Releases

Ghost (Ghost B.C., whatever) saw some major success with their newest record Infestissumam, but they're not done with us for the year. The band...

Sick Art

A few weeks back, Protest The Hero premiered their new track "Clarity" with the above artwork. We assumed this was the art to their...

Latest News

The more you look at it, the more it's going to creep you out. The worst part is this is only the first mask...

It's Just Business

Whole Amazon.com might be selling a metric ton of vinyl per year (and increasing), the music industry is still sporting a huge frown. Apparently...


You know how there is a four pm? Did you know there is another 4 in the morning? I'm going to introduce myself to...

Upcoming Releases

Everyone's favorite thall-related band Vildhjarta are all geared up to bring you the goodness before 2013 is over, in the form of a new...

Upcoming Releases

I find it kinda great that I became the most hated writer at METAL INJECTION last week. Who knew so many people remembered The Damned...

Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round!


By the time that this goes up, I will have just seen Black Sabbath again (writing this Sunday night since I'm seeing them Monday). I...

Latest News

While black metal legends Dark Funeral haven't put out an album since Angelus Exuro pro Eternus in 2009, they have been working on some...

Fuck Yes!

Not only is Skinless getting back together, but vocalist Sherwood Webber has teamed up with Black Sky Brewery and Relapse Records to produce one...


Horseback are one of those ephemeral one-man projects that flit about from boutique label to micro-indie with an almost defiant hide-and-go-seek mentality. Following a series...