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Upcoming Releases

"He does a verse, I do a verse, we sing the chorus together, and it's a real heavy shit-kicker."

Upcoming Releases

"In the end, we expect this album to be between 12 and 15 brand new Static-X tracks. It's the original lineup back together for...

Music Videos

It's basically really powerful 80s metal and it rules.

Full Album Stream

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with a full stream of Languish's Unworthy.


As a fan of Nine Inch Nails since the early 90’s, it’s been an amazing experience to watch the art of Trent Reznor grow...


"The album’s cover art, which depicted Satan inhaling smoke from a bong with black towers of an ancient city behind him, beckoned the interest...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to no_thanks_, who had the best zinger: 'and that was the last time Josiah and Liam were...

Tour Dates

Rings of Saturn, The Last Ten Seconds of Life, Vale of Pnath, and Interloper will be on the tour

Tour Dates

This should be... interesting?

Black Friday

Finland's enigmatic black metal project will release it's new album next week.


When the two unlikely worlds of Iran and Norway collide, the world is transformed into a devastatingly murderous territory of pure, unadulterated black metal...

Fuck Yes!

It just sold for $3,050, but the guy who bought it once again donated it. The good karma keeps coming!


Did Gorod write a masterpiece in six weeks?

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a rock legend, bands that played metal not playing metal, and more! To the metals...

Guitarist Tom Searle was also drummer Dan Searle's brother.

Latest News

"It’s the ritual element of it. It’s running your finger down the side to try to open the plastic wrap, and usually cutting that...

Show Recap

System of a Down are back, playing their first set of shows in three years. Their current run of headline dates with At The...

Song Premiere

It's so exciting to have Ævangelist back. The now multi-national duo of Ascaris (Chicago, Illinois) and Matron Thorn (Tampere, Finland) had a couple years off...