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Black Friday

Read an interview with the improvisational project's mastermind, Ephemeral Domignostika as well!


Nobody wanted to close this festival.

It's Just Business

Earache Records is an indie record label founded by Digby Pearson in the late 80s. They signed a lot of very important bands and...

New Music

The hook is somewhat memorable. I found myself playing it back a second time. I…actually…like it?!


To save myself from eye-rollers and naysayers in regards to the use of subgenres in order to define a band's sound, I fully agree...

Weekly Injection

This edition features lots of collaborations, a three year album gap, a four year album gap, a five year album gap, and more! To...

Full Album Stream

The Arkansas doom/sludge force finally returns with one of the best albums of 2018.

Bummer Alert

Our best wishes to Ozzy Osbourne.


It is a solid reflection of the growth and evolution of the group over the past few years.

Full Album Stream

The best records are ones that take the listener on a journey. Through lush soundscapes, evocative sonic textures and plenty of head-bobbing groove, Rochester's King...

Latest News

A toxic mix of hard drugs were found in her system.

Upcoming Releases

"I can tell you that we will be releasing a single sometime over the winter and then we are releasing it next year, sometime...


Sheiky Baby makes everything better!

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about the nominations for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and what bands deserve to be in there....

Tour Dates

We don't even know exactly when the Megacruise is but we at least have three bands. Megadeth, obviously. Yesterday, we learned Armored Saint are in. And...

Fuck Yes!

The guy he sold it to is also now selling it for charity.