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Search results for "Aggressive"

Shocking Revelations

"Nobody had any idea, we just learned Saturday"

This Is Just A Tribute

Last night, we learned the tragic news that legendary rock icon Lemmy Kilmister died just days after his 70th birthday from an "aggressive cancer."...

Bummer Alert

Lemmy Kilmister was only 70 years old

Best of 2015

Well its that time of year again, loyal readers. As you race to find gifts for relatives who mostly annoy the shit out of...


So, here we are, nine years after djent-pioneers SikTh's last release with a smirk on our face. Hit me with your best shot.

Best of 2015

Over it!

Best of 2015

Another year, another "best of" list/compilation. With so many stellar releases in 2015, trying to narrow down a top ten proved impossible so, I...

Best of 2015

There's a constant debate I have to have with myself when crafting these end of the year lists. And the struggle is one you...

br00tal Comedy

Former Black Flag frontman Henry Rollins was a guest on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert yesterday and to help ring in the holidays,...


Since 1997, Hate Eternal has been one of the defining voices of brutal, technical death metal. Along with fellow masters Nile and Necrophagist, the band...

Latest News

Heavy Avenged Sevenfold was always good Avenged Sevenfold...

The Obituarist

Hey freaks! The Obituarist here again, back with another list of sick new releases permeating the extreme metal underground this winter! I'm a little...


"Hey, if Donald Trump can run for president, anybody can run for president."


What works so well about this is two-fold: the chemistry and the, well, body of works for both bands. Krieg and The Body both...


Shining play off like a madman’s psychotic episode on their seventh studio record, more comfortable yet with an approach that differs from the conventional...

Upcoming Releases

Back in August, Deftones were saying they were hoping for a November release for their oft-delayed new record. Well, it's November and clearly the...

Latest News

Incite, the thrash meets groove, meets capital-HEAVY-metal warriors, just finished recording their fourth full length album with acclaimed producer Steve Evetts [The Dillinger Escape...


Earlier today, we reported that photographer Neil Dalton claimed he was attacked last night at Danzig's show, which was held at Le Métropolis de...


The sound displayed on True Will is exactly what is to be expected on a decent debut album. White Widows Pact excel within their...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Greetings tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's column, here's the usual weekly reminder that if you're...


Kylesa has long been a band of limited metamorphosis, which made their abrupt turn toward a sort of mitigated psychedelia on 2013's Ultraviolet eyebrow-raising,...

Latest News

Milwaukee metalcore fans, this is why you can't have nice things!

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...