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Search results for "Aggressive"


Along with the two volumes of Metal for Muthas, the Metal Massacre series loom large over the history of heavy metal in the 1980's....


American Head Charge is a good example of one of those bands that got left behind. Riding the nü metal wave, they found limited...


Get ready for Unexpect crossbred with Augury levels of weird in today's Tech-Death Tuesday early stream of Solinaris-Deranged. Don't sleep on this record!

Full Album Stream

Doom proprietors Tombs have a new EP coming out this Friday, April 1st, but they're just too excited about it to make their fans...


It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen Walls of Jericho with some new material. The band has been on an extended hiatus, and...


It's lucky number seven, seven years of going to music industry spring break, aka SXSW and this year was definitely a fun one, and...


Inverloch is a relatively young project with plenty of room to move outside the shadow of its legacy. I'm just not sure which direction...

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Funeral Doom Friday

This week's installment revisits one of the genre's most influential bands and their debut that spurned decades of inspiration to future bands.

Latest News

One of the UK's most crushing death metal forces is returning this year and to help announce their return they have gifted us a...

Black Metal Chronicles

Leviathan (a.k.a.: Wrest, a.k.a.: Jef Whitehead) is one of the few musicians that can conjure real ghosts. One that tear at your throat and...

Essential Black Metal Listening

The name alone here should say it all: Nocturnal Poisoning. Just saying it out loud makes me feel like I’ve got alcohol poisoning.

Music Videos

Halestorm were always more hard rock than heavy metal, but their new track "Mayhem" is surprisingly aggressive and a really fun rock tune, that...

Record Sales

48,000 units sold is no joke.

Latest News

Between now and 2019... we think.

This Is Just A Tribute

This ain't no funeral, it's a celebration of Lemmy's life.


If you don't like a band, you could just, you know… stop listening to them.

Upcoming Releases

Lacuna Coil wasn't a band I expected to bring the heavies in 2016.


Some of you might remember, we premiered "Burn The Soul" off Trinidad Scorpion Hallucinations here at Metal Injection a few months ago. Now the...