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Search results for "Aggressive"


With three solid vocalists in their studio recording history, there's arguably one voice that can be considered the most definitively fitting for TesseracT. Not...

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Soilwork defy expectations on every turn, and by not straying from the path that made them successful in the first place.

Weekly Injection

This week is ridiculous. This edition includes new Iron Maiden, some other stuff that's pretty amazing, but mostly new Iron Maiden. To the metals...


With 2015 being the 30-year anniversary of essential classics from Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Bathory, Celtic Frost and other bands, we've decided to take a...

The Obituarist

As the awesomeness of summer sadly threatens to come to an end, I have decided to round up a good chunk of my favorite...

Weekly Injection

This edition features several releases with varying amounts of progginess, some aggressiveness to offset your prog, and oodles more. To the metals…

Music Videos

This new Stryper song rocks. SHUT UP, YES IT DOES!

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"All I know is I’m back in Morbid Angel to do a death metal album"

Music Videos

It's weird that Myrkur is considered black metal because while it certainly has elements of black metal in the music, it doesn't seem "extreme"...

Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell" is a very aggressive song, but leave it to Rob Scallon to make it sound super chill. He offered his...


Death metal is rotten with songs about the rape, torture, and murder of women. Castrator flips the script on this type of lazy, misogynistic...

The Obituarist

In an attempt to feature more underground metal artists on Metal Injection, we have procured the services of one of the biggest fans of...


In terms of pure, outstanding black metal in the 2nd-wave tradition, Gorgoroth has produced some of the finest albums ever made. Though there is...


You guys seemed pretty excited when Hate Eternal announced their new album, Infernus, last week. Well, it's time to get even more excited as...


Not the black metal you're expecting, but it's still awesome.


Yes! Yes! Yes!! This rocks!


Sol Invictus has been a long time coming, given that the band have been touring consistently off and on since 2009, and the most...


Noisem is a band that some took to and some didn't quite get when they released their PhD grade banger Agony Defined. Some saw...


“Every frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photo.” While these words were uttered in the infamous Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode...


There's a lot of doom in here, as well as two bands that don't sing in English at all!