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What was Slayer like in high school?

Tour Dates

Slayer will scare everybody and everything.

Upcoming Releases

Nergal's lyrics on Behemoth's new album are likely to further piss over the conservative Polish government.


Time to feel really old. This year, we looked back at albums celebrating their 10th anniversary and their 20th anniversary, but metal is so...

The Hook Up

Slayer is doing one last run with Lamb of God, Anthrax, Behemoth, and Testament, and we want to help you get into the show!

Latest News

Who could possibly sing over Kerry King's riffs if not for Tom Araya? 


A few hot reissues coming down the pipeline.

Shocking Revelations

This is not a prank.

Injection Reflection

January is almost over already and there are big football games this weekend, so here's what you missed


A leaked flyer from a venue in Virginia is the culprit.

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off discussing the real reason people use Snapchat. Rob and Noa talk about their experience at a South Brooklyn wrestling show....

Latest News

For no reason, here's a photo of Tom Araya with a puppy. It was a rollercoaster week, with some good news, and some tragic...


Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren wrote and recorded a completely original song only on the drums using Toontrack's Superior Drummer 3, and we invited you to record your...


"So, a lot of the punk stuff, I loved the attitude, but I didn't feel a kinship with it in terms of the musicality...


Congrats! Welcome to 2018. It's a new year and a popular time to reflect on every poor, late-night decision to eat away the drunk munchies. Now,...


Big releases from bands like Metallica, Slipknot, Meshuggah and Opeth, a return to form from Testament, who were rejoined by Alex Skolnick, an amazing...

Funeral Doom Friday

Funeral Doom Friday's final installment of 2017 includes two sensational, new albums.