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Search results for "testament"

Show Recap

Slayer have embarked on their *gasp* FINAL North American headlining tour. Yes, the icons, the legends, the masters of thrash metal are wrapping up...


Sonder is a superb record that TesseracT can take much pride in


Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

The Hook Up

We want to make sure you see Slayer on their final tour.


There are plenty of prolific musicians within the metal community who balance multiple projects simultaneously like a successful juggling circus act. But no artist...


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...

Mustaine Mania

"As far as metal is concerned, if there is a gauge, and the gauge stops at some point under ‘extreme’, that’s where Slayer lie."

Music Videos

Melodic death metal in 2018 sounds pretty great.

Kids In Metal

Let the kids have their Slayer.

Injection Reflection

We've already made it to Daylight Savings Time! That means one extra hour of sunlight and spring is just around the corner. That has...


This kid is going places


What was Slayer like in high school?

Tour Dates

Slayer will scare everybody and everything.

Upcoming Releases

Nergal's lyrics on Behemoth's new album are likely to further piss over the conservative Polish government.


Time to feel really old. This year, we looked back at albums celebrating their 10th anniversary and their 20th anniversary, but metal is so...