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It has recently been revealed that Black Label Society and Down would be touring together before the Golden Gods Awards this year, not that we...


Calling Kerry King self-centered is not the best way to get a Slayer gig back.

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Finally, we can see Howard Jones live again.

Tour Dates

Down will join Black Label Society in May.

Tour Dates

Black Label Society is getting ready to release Catacombs Of The Black Vatican on April 8th, and a week later, Zakk and crew will...

Tour Dates

Oceano, Broken Hope, Fallujah, Rivers Of Nihil & Kublai Khan are touring together this spring in what's being dubbed as the Best In Brutality...


Whereas certain metal splinter genres like sludge and doom have found their requisite bands experimenting in ways that are still decidedly metal – or...

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Cruel Hand, Alpha & Omega, Naysayer, Bent Life, Malfunction, Barrier, Focused Minds, and Will to Die will be on the bill.


It would be easy to dismiss these guys as false or question their grimness since the band hail from the sun drenched Golden State....

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Crowbar are ending 2013 on a pretty positive note. First, drummer Tommy Buckley announced he's cancer free after a bit of a scary surgery, bassist...

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We've documented 67-year-old Lemmy Kilmister's recent health issues on the site, including not only having a defibrilator installed, but also suffering from a bout...

Open Metacast

One of the items that the Voyager 1 Spacecraft sent along with it on its voyage outside of our solar system was a gold-plated....

Fuck Yes!

The last time the Metal Masters clinic happened, there was some ridiculous jamming from some of the biggest names in metal including Phil Anselmo,...


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...

Mustaine Mania

Ok, not really, but Megadeth can lay claim to being the first band online with an official website. 

Upcoming Releases

William Shatner is a known metalhead; we've talked to him at the Golden Gods Awards Show in 2011, and he's released a cover of...

Breakups & Shakeups

Whoa, and here we thought the bassist of Down, Pat Bruders was about to leave, when today we learn that it's actually Kirk Windstein...

Tour Dates

Chicago's powerviolence jokers, Weekend Nachos, are taking to the open road in November for a month long tour to support the band's upcoming LP, Still. The album...


Friday afternoon is the perfect time for some hair metal drama. Sebastian Bach has historically been known to talk a lot of crap. In all...


Finnish folk metal superstars, Turisas, have recently completed their fourth full length album, Turisas2013. It is nothing like any of their previous releases. It...


It is less than a month until Finnish folk metal superstars, Turisas, release their fourth full length album, Turisas2013. Although North American fans have...