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Search results for "Olden"

Tour Dates

This fall, mighty power metal warriors from South America and the frozen wastes of Canada are teaming up to bring the North America one...

At The Movies

If you missed I Am Thor earlier this year, then you’re probably like the rest of the world. The documentary, which debuted at San...

Weekly Injection

Last week was the first of the new release date here stateside, and all stops were pulled! This week is pretty light in comparison....

Relapse Records Podcast

This month we have new music from M​YRKUR, CHRISTIAN MISTRESS, PUBLICIST UK, HOPE DRONE, & MORE! As always, we have the latest updates, tour...


Everyone has their favorite High on Fire album, and it's not because the band are constantly throwing polarizing curve balls. The Oakland sludge trio...

Live Footage

Metallica are getting really good at performing the national anthem, and that's because of all the practice they're getting. They first performed the song...


Simple, raw, straight ahead, and loud. These are just some of the descriptors that come to mind when spinning debut album Death By Burning...

Fuck Yes!

"If somebody develops a cure for cancer, there will still be haters."

Weekly Injection

This edition includes long-running death metal lads, dreamy git-fiddles and more! To the metals…

Latest News

It's a stretch, but the clues are definitely there.

Tour Dates

Start 'em off slow and bring forth the speed!

Breakups & Shakeups

No word on a replacement.

Latest News

Listen. If H.R. Giger says you're good, then you're good.


Andy don't mess around, I guess?


Found completely on accident while throwing a Weekly Injection together, France's avant-garde metal experience 6:33 has been twisting and turning through my speakers nonstop...


So, there’s a new Sodom EP out, but it really only consists of about six minutes of new material.

Celebrity Metalheads

Is metal going mainstream?

Bands and Booze

Hotdogs of the Universe.

It's Just Business

First, a little backstory. Sumerian Records has an annual unsigned artist competition called "The Road to the Sphinx." The winner of the competition was...


Alternate Headline: Marty Friedman doesn't completely dismiss ridiculous idea.