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By Ryan Buege After being held off of the MAYHEM's Metal Injection-sponsored Blackenedfest tour due to visa issues last year, MARDUK finally returned to...

Best of 2009

Today is the eve of a new year (and a new decade), with that Frank takes a look at some albums that will be...

Breakups & Shakeups

We have been seeing multiple reports pop up around these here interwebs suggesting that Travis Smith may no longer be affiliated with the band...


As September 18th draws ever closer, the riff-hungry troops of doom are stocking up on earplugs and rolling papers, preparing to follow the sign...


PRIMORDIAL Empire Falls Live In this writer's humble opinion, PRIMORDIAL stole the show at this year's Pagan Fest. The Irish black metal lads were...

Upcoming Releases

When we interviewed Tom Araya at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards, he said the band was writing and recording the CD but they were...

Latest News

Returning to Worcester's Palladium, New England Metal and Hardcore fest will once again melt your ear drums to waxy lava lamps this April 16...

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SUICIDE SILENCE are not shy about the fact that they enjoy the ganj, (as we've covered before). To celebrate the unofficial marijuana day of...


We're 16 weeks into the RIP a Livecast and this one is loaded. Rob is back from LA and talks about his experience at...

Latest News

A bit of a bummer to report on. Right now, Frank and I are in Los Angeles for the Revolver Golden God Awards and...


We have another extremely intimate edition of the RIP a Livecast. We start the show talking about why Sid was standing the whole show....

Latest News

Ever wished you could make it out to one of those ginormous metal festivals that get thrown in the UK? Wanted to be a...

Fuck Yes!

So apparently, instead of taking the traditional route and advertising on TV, billboards, etc, Scion has decided to host music festivals instead as a...


The first RIP a Livecast of 2009 is now on the air. Tune in as Rob, Noa and 3D talk about METALLICA, OZZY OSBOURNE,...

Monday Wake Up Call

One of the bands that really stood out during CMJ a few weeks back, was Brooklyn's own TOMBS. This non-stop aural assault had the...


> German metal/hardcore band THE DESTINY PROGRAM (name changed from Destiny) will have their upcoming album “Subversive Blueprint” released on a 12″ vinyl through...