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Search results for "Olden"


Horseback are one of those ephemeral one-man projects that flit about from boutique label to micro-indie with an almost defiant hide-and-go-seek mentality. Following a series...

Bummer Alert

Damn it, Alexi, stop drinking! We've received multiple reports this morning from fans that were in attendance at their show last night at the...

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After last week's abbreviated set at Wacken, there was some concern for the health of Motorhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister. The band told us he...


Over the course of just five years, Boston's Revocation have earned universal acclaim for their familiar-yet-well-executed hybrid of technical death metal and thrash revivalism, two subgenres...


When we posted the link for the Walk Through Exits Only album stream, you would think the response on Facebook was well…schizophrenic. It was...


As the Norsemen crossed the North Sea, they dreamt of a time when they would conquer their entire realm in an effort to please...

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Skeletonwitch have been hard at work at Godcity Studios with the legendary Kurt Ballou over the past couple of months. Now they're starting to...


Whoa, Huntress just got a huge seal of approval from a Golden God of heavy metal. The band, who is working on a new album...


When Five Finger Death Punch brought up legendary Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford out to perform a new track at the Golden Gods a...

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Deftones 2008 album Eros was recorded with Chi as the last thing he'd ever done and was supposed to be shelved until he got...


Whoa, we just got our first taste of the upcoming Philip H. Anselmo and The Illegals full-length album, and it sounds heavy as all...

Injection Reflection

This is the craziest week in recent memory. Between the passing of Jeff Hanneman, this meth lab situation and of course this trial of...

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I'm a little out of the loop on what's been going on with my favorite animated metalheads on Metalocalypse, but I've slowly been trying...


If you're just dying to hear the next single from the upcoming Dillinger Escape Plan album One of us is the Killer, then you're...

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Slipknot made a surprise appearance at the Revolver Golden Gods last week, and during the proceedings Clown walked the black carpet. How the hell...


In the 80s, metal feuds started on the Sunset Strip, today on Facebook. Five Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody posted this on his...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Members of Metallica, Megadeth, Testament, Anthrax, Stone Sour, Pantera, Children of Bodom, Zakk Wylde and more pay tribute to the late Slayer guitarist


Children of Bodom are in full promo-mode for their upcoming album, Halo of Blood. Alexi Laiho was out partying at the Revolver Golden Gods...


Go away Westboro Baptist Church, nobody likes you…and you are really just asking for it at this point.


Metallica had a busy few days last week. On Thursday, they were honored at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards and then over the weekend,...

RIP a Livecast

Sid couldn't make it to this Cinco De Mayo edition of the RIP a Livecast, but the treturous three made it through. Noa's voice...

Tour Dates

Before they all perform at the Heavy MTL Festival, All Shall Perish, Oceano, Obey The Brave, Within The Ruins, Betrayal and Reflections will be teaming up...

Latest News

Ever wonder what Corey Taylor of Stone Sour thinks about while he's on the road? Well, this new mini-diary answers that question.