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Latest News

The Anthrax guitarist offers his perspective on this infamous incident.


September 12th marks the third anniversary of the most recent Anthrax album, Worship Music, so let’s hope this cherry on the cake – a...

Weekly Injection

This week is a slower week, but it still brings us some pretty solid new albums. This edition includes Sweden's biggest punching bags, a...

Tour Dates

Gwar is touring North America on the search for Oderus Urungus.


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...


Protestant is a Milwaukee, WI crust band with plenty of hardcore and metal influences to spare. The band has built a lengthy legacy since...

Metal In The Mainstream

Manson plays an imprisoned white supremacist leader.


With their seventh full-length album, Every Time I Die gives the listener a few flavors from the band’s inventory, some more melodic and experimental,...


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!


Incantation stands today as one of the most influential death metal bands of all time. And their doomy, low-end tremolo-picking style is undoubtedly one...


Who is the most metal footbol player?

Open Metacast

Time was in the early days of the Internet there weren't many options for finding new music. However once better bandwidth came about the...

Bummer Alert

RIP Peyton the shredder


Nirvana is a complicated subject, especially when considering where they fit into the framework of metal, punk, hardcore and other extreme music in general....


What is the sound of death metal in 2014? With all of the cross-pollination that's happened over the past 10 years, it can be...


It's heavy as balls.


There's nothing wrong with thrashy-riffs, breakdowns and lyrics damning the pitfalls of modern society.

Around the Interwebs

I don't know what to say, folks. I've been immersed in metal music and culture for more than two decades but I was still...