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Search results for "Strike"


2016 has been a blur. There have been some seriously great records, some records that fell a little short of expectations, and records that...


Brian Tatler of Diamond Head fame is something of a living legend - despite his metal god status though, he was unwilling to talk...


Here we are, half way through 2016, where a competitive batch of Doom/Sludge bands will be competing and compared to one another. Will Cough's...

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Could we finally get that Testament record?

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If this isn't heavy metal, then I really don't know what is.


Purson's sophomore release, Desire's Magic Theatre, is their coming of age, a record that starts off with a ballad to DMT and gets better...

Funeral Doom Friday

One of France's finest Funeral Doom bands is responsible for one of the genre's darkest albums.


What can be said with faithful finality is that listening to Moonsorrow is a cinematic experience. Their brand of monolithic and aristocratic blackened pagan...


…and they're not cheap.


If you were to attempt to paste a label on their music, they would be a solid metal/post rock/rock/ambient/hardcore/punk/post metal/doom outfit. Metal works for...


Dissvarth are spacey, weird and powerful - expanding sonic platforms and forcing us to approach weird new realities.

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Black Metal History

Aeons in Sodom tends to play more like Urgehal’s original output: very good black metal that doesn’t really do much to stand out. However,...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes the triumphant return of a prog favorite, some epicness of all types, the wonderfully weird, and more! To the metals…


Scientist are using their latest release to expand the borders of sludge metal and force you to embrace the darkness within.