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Search results for "Strike"


The issue as it stands for Exmortus on Ride Forth is that in addition to much of this release screaming prodigious talent, scholastic competency...

Best of 2015

Well its that time of year again, loyal readers. As you race to find gifts for relatives who mostly annoy the shit out of...

Best of 2015

Another year, another "best of" list/compilation. With so many stellar releases in 2015, trying to narrow down a top ten proved impossible so, I...


Spectral Lore are one of the best black metal bands on the planet. Gnosis is merely the latest addition to their incredible legacy.

Best of 2015

Click through to see Drew's top picks for 2015

The Obituarist

Hey freaks! The Obituarist here again, back with another list of sick new releases permeating the extreme metal underground this winter! I'm a little...

Bands and Booze

Want, want, want!


London, England's venerable and vicious Killing Joke is a band that, arguably, has been coming so close to its classic era of late that...

Shocking Revelations

The band Nothing have learned their new label is being financially backed by Martin Shkreli and the news has made them rethink their contract.

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...


It's only been two years since Grime unleashed their misanthropic, despondent middle finger known as Deteriorate. The record was so filthy you got, well,...


Remember a few years ago when Metallica were celebrating their 30th anniversary and they finally made amends with Dave Mustaine and invited him up...


5 years ago, The Devil Wears Prada released the Zombie EP, and it was phenomenal. That one EP is the favorite album of many...


The long and short of it is that Monarchy is a much tighter album than The Conscious Seed of Light. Though not so dramatic...


Bong—whose name is much more of a phonetic interpretation of their sound than a blunt (lulz) attempt at weed humor—have made a small but...


Ancient Greek death metal that would terrify even the gods!

Latest News

The story that will make you go "Awwwwwwwww" today.


On April 21st, 2015, Native Construct released their debut album Quiet World. It was In 2011,that this three member band was formed. These three...

Weekly Injection

Happy Cartoonist Day! Draw yourselves slaying something to celebrate! On to business. This edition includes indie/stoner darlings, lots of Satan, a terrible reference to...


There's a lot of doom in here, as well as two bands that don't sing in English at all!


As reported in most corners of the metalsphere last Monday, the van carrying members of Wormreich and Khaotika, who were supporting Kult of Azazel...