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Is ULVER's Vocalist Going To Appear On BORKNAGAR's New Record?

It's a stretch, but the clues are definitely there.

It's a stretch, but the clues are definitely there.

At the end of 2014 we posted about Borknagar's vocalist Vintersorg suffering a head injury, ultimately delaying the process of a new record. Fortunately the group has very recently returned to Facebook with the news that new album is in the final stages of being recorded right now, Vintersorg is well and has recorded his bits, and some other interesting news.

As the winter withdraw and summer approaching the pieces of this vast puzzle seems to gather up. We are now in the final stages of recording and will very soon start preparing for the mix in not so distant future. And behold scouts, we'll climb yet another musical peak! Anyone missing the vibe of "The Olden Domain"? There might be a trick up the sleeve for you guys:-) More info will follow shortly!

The Olden Domain came out in 1997, meaning the group might be returning to its black metal roots! One commenter on the thread also points out that Borknagar mentioned the album and then used the word "trick" right after it. Ulver's vocalist Garm was in the group during The Olden Domain and used to go by the name Trickster G, though not while he was in Borknagar. We realize this might be a bit of a long shot and even if the album doesn't feature him, it'll still rule, but what if?

Garm is doing the new Myrkur record, so he's back in the business of the black metal heavies already.

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Shout out to photographer Rae Chatten.


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